White carpets look beautiful but really show the spots. Call Grateful Teds to get those spots removed.
Over time, your carpets may develop a dingy grey look. You might not even recognize it! Professional steam cleaning can help to remove tough grime build-up. Call Grateful Teds today!
Grateful Ted at work!
Grateful Ted can make carpets look great again!
Tired of that grey look to your carpets? Give Grateful Ted a call!
Hot water extraction can blast the grime out of your grout! Give Grateful Ted a call today!
Sealant can protect your grout from grime. Call Grateful Ted Today!
Tobacco odor issue? Grateful Ted can get rid of smoke odor quickly and easily. Give Grateful Ted a call today!
This tile floor suffered heavy traffic and got all grimy. Grateful Ted is able to remove that grime and make even the grimiest tile look great again. Give Grateful Ted a call today!
Move-out carpet cleaning? Call Grateful Ted for Great Results!
Professional upholstery cleaning is able to remove grime from fabrics.
Heavy traffic areas can become really dirty. Call Grateful Teds to get that grime removed!
Moving out? Grateful Ted can improve the appearance of your carpet and help you get a better deal on the home you are selling!
Your carpet can clean up well too! Give Grateful Ted a call today!
The grout lines on this tile floor cleaned up very well - both I and the customer were very happy!